Vitamin C for BV and Complete Vaginal Health
Vitamin C is one of the most basic Nutrients that we simply cannot ignore. Vitamin C is a vastly studied micronutrient that helps with a host of benefits, such as immunomodulation (modulation of the immune system) and ensuring homeostasis, or balance, throughout the body.

The importance of Vitamin C was discovered quite relevantly, about 250 years ago, when a lack of vitamin C on the open seas caused scurvy.

Because Transparency Matters:
- Source:
- Active Ingredient: Ascorbic Acid
- Found in: Citrus Fruit and Berries, such as Cranberries
- What it does:Immune System Regulation
- Effective Dosage: 67mg
- Manufaturer:
Vitamin C Benefits for Women
Antioxidant Affect Against Bacteria
Vitamin C has always been known to help improve our immune system. By being able to sequester free radicals, it works as an antioxidant and pro-oxidant that helps regulate bodily functions.

How Vitamin C for BV works
Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that helps many bodily functions, such as body homeostasis, the regulation of organs, glands, tissues, and cells.
Found in: D-Mannose + CranberrySynergistic Pairing
By pairing Vitamin C with Pacran, the effectiveness of the proanthocyanadins (PACs) increases to flush out bad bacteria from the body.
What science shows
Only clinically proven ingredients
1. Impact of vaginal ascorbic acid on abnormal vaginal microflora.
Zodzika J1, Rezeberga D, Donders G, Vedmedovska N, Vasina O, Pundure I, Bite R, Silberga I, Socenova J, Melngaile O.
2. Efficacy of vitamin C vaginal tablets in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis: a randomized, double blind, placebo controlled clinical trial.
3. Vaginal pH-lowering effect of locally applied vitamin C in subjects with high vaginal pH.
Check out the 62789 studies on Vitamin C
Check out D-Mannose + Cranberry which has Vitamin C inside!
Our Immune Boost vitamin C and cranberry pills are a necessity for BV treatment and other vaginal health issues. Click to Learn More!
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