Additional savings of up to 40% when using HSA/FSA
Happy V has partnered with Flex to allow you to use your Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
This means you can now use your HSA or FSA debit card to buy Happy V supplements with pre-tax dollars, resulting in net savings of 30-40%.

Am I eligible for HSA/FSA?
The IRS oversees HSA and FSA eligibility and dictates that a customer must have a medical condition or disease that they are seeking to treat or manage with Happy V supplements. Customers must have documentation that confirms their eligibility, also called a Letter of Medical Necessity. Not to worry, Happy V has partnered with Flex to make this a quick and easy process for customers.
Shop nowLetter of Medical Necessity for Jane Doe
Dear FSA/HSA Administrator,
I am writing on behalf of my patient, Jane Doe (born 1990-08-15), who has a known history of chronic fatigue syndrome. This letter provides information about the medical necessity of utilizing Happy V products as a treatment for their underlying disease.
The patient's condition often requires pharmaceutical agents which are both expensive and high risk for side effects. Happy V products provide natural supplements for treatment of the patient's medical condition. I believe it is medically necessary to explore further tools to help support the patient throughout their treatment regimen. I am recommending the use of this product as a safe and effective means of intervention for a period of 12 months to help assist the patient in managing their medical condition.
I kindly request that you allow Jane Doe to apply their FSA/HSA funds towards the purchase of this product.Thank you for your consideration of this request. I believe that this is a crucial component of Jane Doe's treatment plan and will significantly improve their ability to manage their condition.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any additional information or clarification.
HSA/FSA payments simplified with Flex

Step1: Select Flex at checkout

Step 2: Confirm Eligibility

Step 3: Use your HSA/FSA card
Within 24 hours of your purchase, Flex will email you both a Letter of Medical Necessity as well as an itemized receipt. Keep these documents for your records should your HSA/FSA provider or the IRS require additional documentation. That’s it!
For more information, check out our FAQs or reach out to