Authors and
Medical Reviewers Directory

Meet our experts and authors! Each of them possesses deep knowledge and practical experience in their field. Our experts assist and inspire others, blending academic expertise with real-world accomplishments.

  • COO & Cofounder Happy V

    Hans Graubard

    Subject Matter Expect of Dietary Supplement Manufacturing, Regulatory & Product Development. Member of the International Probiotic Association.
  • Medical Reviever

    Dr. Barry Peskin, MD, MBA

    Dr. Barry Peskin is an accomplished medical professional with extensive experience in gynecology and healthcare management. As a dedicated practitioner and medical director, he offers comprehensive...
  • Medical Reviewer

    Dr. Alessandra Valencia, MD, MBA

    Dr. Alessandra Valencia is an accomplished medical professional with extensive experience in gynecology and healthcare management
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    Cameron Williamson

    Subject Matter Expect of Dietary Supplement Manufacturing, Regulatory & Product Development. Member of the International Probiotic Association.