Discover the Best Foods for UTI Relief
  • Fact Checked
  • June 02, 2023
  • 11 min read

Discover the Best Foods for UTI Relief

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Other UTI symptoms include frequent urination, pain in your pelvic area, and overall discomfort. If you’ve been unfortunate enough to experience a UTI, then you know just how uncomfortable and almost unbearable it can be. And if left untreated (or ignored like many of us try to do), it’s likely you’ll develop bladder infections like cystitis and cause your body much more pain. 

As far as UTI treatment goes, most people are prescribed antibiotics but did you know that certain foods can also provide relief and prevent recurrent UTIs? It’s true! Women who consume a healthy diet (high fruit and vegetable intake, whole grains, and lean proteins) have a 16% reduced risk of developing UTIs compared to those who don’t consume a healthy diet. 

When you can recognize the common symptoms, you’ll be able to receive the UTI treatment that you need and can work diligently with your diet to prevent it from occurring again. After all, UTI prevention is better than treatment. So what foods and overall diet practices are the best for UTI relief and treatment? 

This is what you need to start incorporating into your daily diet and routine: 

  • Drinking (more) water
  • Eat hydrating and anti-inflammatory foods
  • Herbal teas
  • Increase fruit and vegetable intake 
  • Choose lean proteins 
  • Take probiotics 

Your diet isn’t the only thing you can change to treat and prevent UTIs though! Lifestyle changes such as wearing loose clothing and keeping up with your hygiene can also help. And if you feel overwhelmed by all these changes you feel like you should be making, don’t worry, we’re here to walk you through foods good for UTIs and which ones to avoid!

Photo by Gian Cescon on Unspla

Hydration and UTI Relief

Hydration is key to almost everything when it comes to your body functioning at its full potential. Dry skin? Hydration. Headache? Hydration. UTI prevention and relief? Hydration. You get the point. Though it is not a substitute for medical treatment, it’s a great preventative and relief agent.

UTIs occur when bacteria, typically E. coli, enter the urinary tract and begin to multiply, causing the symptoms you experience such as painful and frequent urination – ouch. Luckily, staying hydrated with water and hydrating foods is an effective way to prevent this infection. Studies show that women who had a urine output of at least 2.5 liters per day had a 50% reduction in the risk of developing a UTI compared to women who had a urine output of less than 1.5 liters per day. 

Even with all the cool Stanley Cups and other big water bottles, it can be hard to stay hydrated throughout the day, especially with a busy schedule. Everything is easier said than done but when you have the information laid out for you, it’s easier to get started. So here are some helpful tips for staying hydrated: 

Drink Plenty of Water

Water is your best friend and number one fan so don’t put it on the back burner. Drinking plenty of water and increasing your intake can help lower the risk of experiencing a UTI by 48%. And if you already have a UTI, studies show that increasing your water intake can shorten the duration of your symptoms. Hydration is the key to prevention and relief. If you have to get a cute bottle that has all the time stamps on it to drink your water, then so be it! 

Consume Hydrating Foods

Hydration doesn’t stop at liquids, there are also foods that contain large amounts of water and electrolytes. Foods like cucumbers, watermelons, and celery contain high amounts of water and may be beneficial for preventing and treating UTIs. Cranberries also contain compounds that prevent bacteria from attaching to the bladder wall, which is why you see so many cranberry supplements used for UTIs.

Drink Herbal Tea

Herbal tea blends that contain Uva-ursi, birch leaves, horsetail, goldenrod, and lovage root can help lower the occurrences of UTIs when consumed on a regular basis. Herbal teas have many health benefits and UTI relief and prevention are just another to add to the list. 

UTI Diet For Relief

Hydration and a healthy diet work diligently to provide your body with everything it needs to function properly, including preventing and relieving a urinary tract infection. Consuming certain foods can alleviate symptoms. 

Studies have shown that women who consumed a higher proportion of their calories from fat had a 2.2-fold increased risk of developing a UTI compared to women who consumed less fat. In addition, the study found that women who consumed a higher proportion of their calories from protein had a 1.5-fold increased risk of developing a UTI compared to women who consumed less protein. So what exactly does this UTI prevention and relief diet consist of? Well, it’s fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, probiotics, and non-irritating and anti-inflammatory foods. How simple! 

Increase Intake of Fruits and Vegetables

At some point in your life, someone whether it be your mother, doctor, or health coach, will tell you that increasing your daily intake of fruits and vegetables will change your life. And we’re here to add to that list of people. Not only does this dietary change help with your energy levels and overall bodily functions, but it helps reduce the risk of developing a UTI. 

But not knowing that you need to increase your intake usually isn’t the problem, it’s actually doing it. It seems like a chore but when you start incorporating it into your diet with flavorful meals, a variety of spices, and even blending it up, you’ll realize just how easy it is to make this change. 

Choose Lean Protein Sources

A high-protein diet (paired with whole grains) is associated with many health benefits for women including lowering the risk of developing UTIs. It’s suggested to consume at least 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight a day for your overall health and reduce your risk of getting a UTI by 47% – that’s almost half! 

Lean protein sources like fish, chicken, and low-fat dairy products are usually better choices when it comes to UTI prevention instead of red meat. We know that there are a ton of protein supplements, bars, shakes, and other resources but using these specific lean protein options will make a tremendous difference when you have a UTI or want to prevent one. 

Consume Probiotics

Adding bacteria to your diet may feel like you’re backtracking on a healthy diet but you can trust us on this one. Consuming probiotics is not only great for your gut health, but can also significantly decrease your chances of developing a UTI by 42%! And if you’re not sure which ones are best for you, Happy V’s probiotics are a great start.

Avoid Foods that Irritate the Bladder

Avoiding foods that irritate your bladder can increasingly help with UTI relief and prevention. We’re not saying you need to completely cut out caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, and citrus fruits, but enjoy them in moderation and create a healthier balanced diet.

Incorporate Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Anti-inflammatory foods are one of the best foods to add to your diet, especially when trying to prevent and treat a UTI. Your urinary tract is already infected so let’s not inflame your digestive tract too. Women who consume anti-inflammatory-rich foods are less likely to develop UTIs!

Photo by Davies Designs Studio on Unsplash

“X” Foods to Eat for UTI Relief

We suggest using antibiotics to treat most UTIs but know that there are certain foods that can also help to alleviate symptoms and prevent infections from recurring! 


Cranberries are known as the holy grail of foods to consume when you have a UTI because they contain proanthocyanidins. That’s why you’ll always see cranberry-flavored supplements at the store specifically for UTIs! But if supplements are your thing, you can always drink pure cranberry juice just make sure it doesn’t use artificial sweeteners.


A high-flavonoid diet, which includes blueberries, has been associated with a reduced risk of UTIs in women. Not only are they high in flavonoids, but they are rich in antioxidants!

Fermented Foods

Fermented foods are high in probiotics which help prevent UTIs from occurring. Fermented foods include kefir, kimchi, yogurt, sauerkraut, and more. Basically, anything with a natural tang is likely a fermented food so add some to your diet to enjoy a healthy gut.


Garlic is the key ingredient in a lot of cuisines but did you know it can also be used to reduce the risk of a UTI? In fact, a study found that the incidence rate of UTIs was 63% lower in a group of women who took garlic extract capsules compared to the placebo group!

Vitamin-C Rich Foods

Vitamin C is great for your body as it helps with immunity and is proven to lower the incidence rate of UTIs in women. Grapefruits, raspberries, and other acidic fruits are great sources of vitamin C and can be mixed in fruit juice or smoothies to get all those nutrients.

Whole Grains

High fiber and whole grains incorporated into your diet are important for both your urinary tract and overall health. If you’re not sure where to start, you can use oats in the morning and quinoa or brown rice for lunch and dinner! You can also find some other helpful UTI-relieving recipes here!

Final Thoughts

Your diet has a huge influence on your overall health, including the recurrence of UTIs. If you’re prone to urinary tract infections, adding foods such as blueberries, lean proteins, and cranberries can make a huge difference. While some experts say your diet doesn’t directly correlate with developing and preventing a UTI, your food contains things that actively work against infections! When you know what your food contains, it’s easy to treat and prevent UTIs from occurring again. 

But, don’t forget to complement your efforts with the power of Happy V D Mannose + Cranberry Stick Pack drinks on-the-go. Boost your wellness journey by introducing these into your routine to say hello to a happier, healthier you!


Ferrara, P., Romaniello, L., Vitelli, O., Giani, U., D’Ascenzo, R., & Villani, A. (2019). Healthy eating and urinary tract infections: a case-control study. Journal of Translational Medicine, 17(1), 1-7. 

Barratt, A. L., Deeks, J. J., & Kirkwood, B. R. (1991). Urinary tract infection in women: Comparative effectiveness of conventional antibiotics and vaginally administered probiotics. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 10(11), 897-901. doi: 10.1007/BF01991056

Hooton, T. M., Vecchio, M., Iroz, A., Tack, I., Dornic, Q., Seksek, I., & Lotan, Y. (2018). Effect of increased daily water intake in premenopausal women with recurrent urinary tract infections: A randomized clinical trial. JAMA internal medicine, 178(11), 1509-1515. 

Zhang, X., Li, Y., Li, X., & Li, J. (2017). Effects of Increased Water Intake on Urinary Tract Infections in Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Infectious Diseases and Therapy, 5(1), 1-9. doi:10.4172/2332-0877.1000315 

Lüthje, P., Brauner, A., Virkkunen, M., & Grabe, N. (2013). A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicentre study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a fixed herbal combination (UVA-ursi, birch and horsetail) as a prophylactic treatment for recurrent urinary tract infection (RECUT). Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22(21-22), 2968-2974. doi: 10.1111/jocn.12323

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Foxman, B., Frerichs, R. R., & Culbertson, D. (1990). Non-sexual transmission of urinary tract infection: A prospective study. Annals of Internal Medicine, 113(9), 735-742. doi: 10.7326/0003-4819-113-9-735

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Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available.

  1. Published on: June 02, 2023
  2. Last updates: March 11, 2025
    Written by Happy V Team
    Edited by Happy V Team

Table of Contents

  1. Hydration and UTI Relief
  2. UTI Diet For Relief
  3. “X” Foods to Eat for UTI Relief
  4. Final Thoughts
  5. Sources

Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available.

  1. Published on: June 02, 2023
  2. Last updates: March 11, 2025
    Written by Happy V Team
    Edited by Happy V Team

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