How to decode your vagina’s pH?
  • Fact Checked
  • October 05, 2019
  • 7 min read

How to decode your vagina’s pH?

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Maintaining balance in your pH levels (reminder: pH is the acidic environment in your vagina) is healthy because an unbalanced pH level i.e. too low or “basic”, might result in infections such as: BV or bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, other infections include Chlamydia and Gonorrhea.

If you’re suffering from vaginal infections or trying to prevent these infections you might be needing our special formula, totally based on healthy natural ingredients such as Cranberry and Elderberry, Chlorella and different strains of healthy vaginal friendly bacteria.

We’re back and we’re talking pH! You might already be aware that vaginal pH balance is very crucial for a healthy vagina. What exactly is the ideal pH level to keep a Happy V? Let’s get into it.

The optimal pH level at which your vagina performs its normal physiological functions efficiently is between 3.8-4.5, AKA acidic. infection-causing anaerobes or in simpler terms — bad bacteria, are unable to grow and flourish in an acidic environment, but if the pH levels of your vagina rise to levels higher than 4.5, it enables a perfect condition for harmful bacteria to make its way into the vagina.

So how do we keep a balanced pH level?

A healthy vagina is home to Lactobacilli species. These bacteria species are responsible for the production of lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide, which maintain a constant healthy acidic environment for your vagina. On the other hand, these two are also capable of protecting from unhealthy bacteria, which could then lead to different vaginal conditions such as Bacterial Vaginosis.

What factors throw vaginal pH balance off track?

We do a lot in our normal day-to-day. We eat all kinds of food, use different chemicals when we clean, and shower (i.e. soaps and shampoos). Let’s face it, we all fall into the trap of what looks good in an ad and what smells delicious in the stores. But, if we’re talking about health and a happy vagina, now’s the time to reconsider some of our choices.

Let’s take a look at some of the factors that might lead to an increased pH level.
  • Unprotected sex — The pH of semen is between 7.1-8.0 (which is considered basic), when you have unprotected sex, the pH of semen might disrupt your acidic vaginal environment and result in vaginal infections.
  • Use of tampons and low-quality sanitary pads — Most of us prefer using tampons because they allow us to be carefree, but the problem is that they are made of cotton and substances which can retain fluids in them. Therefore, providing the ideal environment for bad bacteria to get in the vagina. Similarly, low quality sanitary pads have harsh chemicals in them which can cause an imbalance in the pH levels. 
  • Menstrual blood — Normally blood has a pH of 7.4. It’s important to be very attentive during your period because you’re more capable of getting an infection. 
  • Harsh chemicals — We know, they smell soooo good. But, scented cleaners, soaps and creams contain large amounts of strong bases and other chemical substances which are a no-go when being maintaining a healthy vagina. Chemicals increase pH levels and ultimately enable bad bacteria into your vagina.
  • Foods — Consuming meals extremely rich in carbs and sugars can act as a source for harmful bacteria.

The importance of maintaining balanced pH levels

Maintaining balance in your pH levels (reminder: pH is the acidic environment in your vagina) is healthy because an unbalanced pH level i.e. too low or “basic”, might result in infections such as:

  1. BV or bacterial vaginosis — which is caused by excessive growth of unwanted facultative anaerobes accompanied by foul-smelling vaginal discharge and itching.
  2. Yeast infections — usually caused by an overgrowth of a certain type of yeast called Candida Albicans. It is accompanied by clumps of cottage cheese-like white discharge.
  3. Other infections include Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. These infections are caused by different bacterial species and are sexually transmitted conditions. The growth of these bacterias is also dependent on the warm, moist, and alkaline environment in your vagina.

The list doesn’t end here, but the most important thing to understand is: what’s normal and what’s not when it comes to your vaginal health. This takes us to our next question.

How would you know that your vaginal pH is slipping out of balance?

Generally, different infections and conditions are accompanied with different symptoms, which might indicate the imbalance of your vaginal pH. You need to have a strong observation and be health conscious in order to identify them and treat them. Below, we’ve rounded up some hints your vagina could be giving you when it is in trouble because of pH disturbance.

  • Unusually foul-smelling discharge
  • Cottage cheese-like clumps
  • Severe burning or itching while peeing
  • Varying colors of vaginal discharge

Now that you have a clearer picture in your mind about the importance of vaginal pH levels and what causes them to fluctuate, this is where “V”, I mean WE come into action to help you maintain your vaginal health like a boss.

How can Happy V help you?

If you’re:

  1. Suffering from vaginal infections.
  2. Trying to prevent these infections.

Then you might be needing our special formula, totally based on healthy natural ingredients such as Cranberry and Elderberry, Chlorella and different strains of healthy vaginal friendly bacteria.

Our approach is to attack the infection in your vagina from all sides so that it won’t stand a chance to cause you further discomfort. Probiotics alone are not capable of curing the damage caused by the disruption of vaginal microbiome. Therefore, our first approach is to introduce healthy bacterial strains in your gut to overpower the bad bacteria. Then the antioxidant and immune boosting effects of cranberry and elderberry would help you further to fight the infection.

Let’s get into the details of these ingredients.

1. Probiotics

9- different bacterial strains are used in our formula which normally constitutes the healthy vaginal microbiome. These strains are responsible for the protection of vaginal lining, reducing inflammation, boosting the immune system but the most important function is to replicate the number of healthy bacteria in our gut which ultimately leads to a healthy balanced bacterial flora in your vagina. Probiotics also prevent the infection from recurring and detroying the quality of life.

Prebiotic + Probiotic

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars

Prebiotic + Probiotic

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars

This product is right for you if:

  • You're experiencing unusual vaginal discharge, itch, or odor
  • You've experienced recurring vaginal health imbalances
  • You're actively "intimate" with a partner(s)
  • You're looking to upgrade your probiotic to tackle vaginal, gut, immune and skin health
Learn more

The probiotics are extremely beneficial when it comes to increasing the number of good bacteria. In order to treat an infection or prevent it from increasing the number of good bacteria alone is not enough.

This is where our other natural ingredients come into play.

2. Cranberry extracts

These bittersweet redberries are considered to have anti-infective properties as effective as an antibiotic. They contain tannins such as, Proanthocyanidin, which inhibit the sticking of harmful bacteria on the walls of the gut lining. The concentrated extracts of cranberry juice also help in maintaining the acidic environment in the vagina, keeping a strong check on the growth of harmful bacteria.

These bittersweet redberries are considered to have anti-infective properties as effective as an antibiotic.

They contain tannins such as, Proanthocyanidin, which inhibit the sticking of harmful bacteria on the walls of the gut lining. The concentrated extracts of cranberry juice also help in maintaining the acidic environment in the vagina, keeping a strong check on the growth of harmful bacteria.

3. Elderberry extracts

Our next ingredient is elderberry, which has been known for centuries for its medicinal benefits. High contents of flavonoids, antioxidants, and phenolic acids help in boosting our immune system and relieving the anxiety and stress. Further, it aids in the reduction of inflammation and swelling which may result in reduced symptoms and discomfort caused by the infection.

4. Chlorella

Last but not the least, chlorella, a green supplement which is famous for its detoxification and immunoregulatory effects. These properties help the body in getting rid of unwanted substances that can disrupt the pH balance and also improve the immunes functioning. It is basic in nature because it contains high amounts of minerals such as potassium and magnesium. This helps in making the environment in the gut ideal for the absorption of nutrients necessary to fight the infection.

We at Happy V have created this power pack with super ingredients which are natural, healthy and extremely beneficial when it comes to fighting the infections and preventing them. Now it is up to you to make a healthy choice for your healthy self.


Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available.

  1. Published on: October 05, 2019
  2. Last updates: February 08, 2025
    Written by Daniella Levy
    Edited by Daniella Levy
    Medical Reviewed by Dr. Barry Peskin, MD, MBA

Table of Contents

  1. So how do we keep a balanced pH level?
  2. Let’s get into the details of these ingredients.

Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available.

  1. Published on: October 05, 2019
  2. Last updates: February 08, 2025
    Written by Daniella Levy
    Edited by Daniella Levy
    Medical Reviewed by Dr. Barry Peskin, MD, MBA

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