- Fact Checked
- December 10, 2022
- 8 min read

At first glance, bacterial vaginosis (BV) and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) might not seem to have much in common. But the human body is complex, and when it comes to medical conditions, sometimes the connections between conditions are surprising. So what exactly is the link between BV and PID, and what should you do if you develop one of these common conditions?
Bacterial vaginosis is a type of vaginitis, or inflammation of the vagina. Around 21 million women in the U.S. have BV, although less than half of those with infections have active symptoms. (1)
BV is caused by a disturbance in the balance of natural flora in the vaginal environment. There are many different types of bacteria always present in the vagina, and on their own, these normal bacteria aren’t anything to worry about. But some conditions can disrupt the normal balance of bacteria and make it more possible for bad vaginal bacteria, also called anaerobic bacteria, to grow and thrive, which can result in a BV infection.
About 85% percent of women with BV experience no symptoms. (2) These asymptomatic women may still be at risk of BV-associated complications such as a PID infection in women because of the presence of BV-associated bacteria in their vagina, so it’s important to get treated regularly by a women’s health care practitioner each year, even if you aren’t experiencing any symptoms.
Common signs of infection include:
Most of the time, BV does not cause serious health problems, but if neglected, it can cause serious health issues.
Pelvic inflammatory disease is an upper genital tract infection that occurs in females. The genital tract includes reproductive organs such as the vagina, uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. The vagina is in the lower genital tract, while the other organs compose the upper portion of the genital tract. PID occurs when sexually transmitted bacteria move from the vagina to the uterus, ovaries, or fallopian tubes. PID typically occurs in females who are sexually active between the ages of 15 and 48. About 2.5 million women in the U.S. will have PID over their lifetime. (4)
If you’re worried about developing PID, keep an eye out for the following symptoms:
PID is a serious medical condition that requires treatment from a health care provider. If untreated, PID can have significant long-term consequences, including:
Some risk factors can increase your chances of developing PID, including your age (younger people are more likely to develop PID), the use of an intrauterine device for birth control, having sexual contact with new or multiple sexual partners, douching, having unprotected sexual intercourse, and a history significant for STIs. If any of these risk factors pertain to you, share this information with your health care provider.
Unlike many genital infections, there’s no particular test to diagnose PID. However, if you notice any signs of PID, you should seek medical attention from a health care provider. They may want to discuss your medical history, including whether you have had STIs, what birth control methods you use, and what your sexual history looks like. They may also discuss your current symptoms as well as any symptoms you’ve experienced in the past. If your provider believes you may have PID, they may do a:
Recent research shows that BV-associated organisms such as Gardnerella vaginalis and Mycoplasma hominis can cause reproductive health problems like endometritis (inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus) and salpingitis (inflammation of fallopian tubes). (5,6) These two areas are directly impacted by PID, meaning a BV infection increases your likelihood of developing PID.
As discussed above, a BV infection is caused by an overgrowth of bad bacteria. These bacteria are able to grow and cause an infection because good bacteria, called lactobacillus, is at lower-than-normal levels. When lactobacillus levels are low, the vagina is susceptible to many types of infections, including BV, STIs, and PID.
Infections like bacterial vaginosis or pelvic inflammatory disease may seem like an annoyance, but they should be treated very seriously. If they’re not taken care of, they can result in serious health outcomes, especially if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant in the future. While there’s no foolproof way to avoid these infections entirely, try these tips to reduce your risk of BV or PID:
Get yourself frequently tested for the presence of any STI. Early identification is key to early, successful treatment. If you are sexually active, your sex partner should be tested as well, even if they aren’t exhibiting symptoms.
Probiotic supplements for vaginal health and probiotic-rich foods like yogurt or sauerkraut encourage the gut and vaginal microbiome to grow lactobacillus, which help fight off bad infection-causing bacteria. (7)
Some people consider douching to be a good vaginal hygiene method, but it actually does more harm than good. That’s because douches are more likely to spread an infection deeper into the genital tract and to clear your body’s store of good lactobacillus bacteria. Your vagina is capable of cleaning itself; instead of douching, wash your vagina with warm water.
Using protection during every sexual interaction can help reduce the spread of infection-causing bacteria. If you have a male sex partner, use a condom each time you’re intimate so any bacteria is not transferred. If you have a female sex partner, clean sex toys before sharing them, since bacteria can be transferred from partner to partner. Remember, just because your partner doesn’t have symptoms does not mean they aren’t carrying bacteria that can cause an infection.
Having sex with multiple partners increases your contact with foreign bacteria that can cause an infection. Avoid having sex with different people on and off to reduce your risk of developing a genital infection.
You don’t have to have an infection to begin to safeguard your vaginal health. Healthy lifestyle practices like taking probiotics for women can reduce your chance of BV, urinary tract infections, PID, and more and can help you naturally deal with these infections if they occur. Don’t wait until a BV infection has become serious to get support; get started with Happy V today.
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Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available.